Step into the magical world of Disney with this enchanting Lilo and Stitch Cross Body Bag. Featuring a smiling expression of everyone's favorite mischievous alien, Stitch, this bag is sure to bring a smile to your face every time you wear it. Made from transparent and clear PVC, it adds a touch of whimsy to any outfit. But that's not all - this bag also lights up, making it perfect for evening adventures or adding an extra sparkle during the day. With its adjustable cross body strap, you can carry your essentials hands-free while showing off your love for Disney in style.
More Details
- You're going to love this light up Disney bag featuring Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch!
- Stylish and sleek this cross body bag is made from premium transparent clear PVC.
- It measures 11.5 x 8.0 x 4.5 Inches and features space to carry all your favorite things including phone, wallet, keys, and more.
- The removable polyester strap is fully adjustable from 38 to 72 inches.
- This product is made by Buckle-Down and is Officially Licensed by Disney.